Pastel Houses For Sale in Lake Balboa, Reseda and Northridge

Right now, on Redfin, there are a select group of pastel painted houses, (north of Victory, west of the 405), for sale.

This is not a snicker at their colors. Rather it’s a type of respect that their cheery shades are still existent.

As a rule, every single house must be painted white with black windows. New or used, they all must follow this ironclad color scheme.

To encounter houses painted in the colors of sherbert ice cream, popsicle peach, or rose, blush or grapefruit pink is quite a shock, like walking into a house and finding someone reading a book.

Hurry to Redfin. These historic artifacts are not long for this world.

For if these sell, which they surely will, being great bargains at just under a million, their new owners will rush to cover them in white paint.

2 thoughts on “Pastel Houses For Sale in Lake Balboa, Reseda and Northridge

  1. Think of cars in the 70s….vibrant reds, bold blues, green-hornet-greens. Now take a look outside. If you time-travelled someone from 1975 they would look around at the white-gray-black vehicles and come to the conclusion the Russians won.


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